Monday, October 28, 2024

Inventory Overload

 Kevin and I got home last night from our every three months business trip to southwest Louisiana and Beaumont, Texas. Usually I do a “Cajun pantry haul” from the store we do inventory at- they have a GREAT selection and a lot of Cajun items- but the final store we did was this discount version, really dirty, didn’t have near the selection of the main stores, and I was starting to feel lightheaded.  

We got home, and a package was there. It was a Cat toy I ordered for the boys from the TikTok store. Yes that’s a wall attached thing with four different rolling balls of catnip. Here is my own video of the boys playing with it. Yea, Mitchell loves to boop Alex right in the butthole. Alex used to hiss at him when he did that, but he’s used to it now. 

I’m super tired and sore. I slept like a log in the motel, but have been watching what I eat a lot. I am keeping track of my calories on an app called LoseIt!  Each day of the trip, I had a calorie deficit of about 600-1,000. On this app, you can add your own exercise. I added inventory, because my job is so physical. I’m up and down ladders constantly, always bending over and stooping down and getting up, every 4-12 feet of each aisle I do. Kevin and I agreed it might burn 20-50 calories per hour over and above your “maintenance” calories. We might be way off, tho.  Some of the people on the San Antonio crew of our company think we burn way more, but they sounded like they were exaggerating. I have two entries for inventory as an exercise on the lose it app. One burning 20 per hour and one burning 50. I used the 20 calorie entry for half the trip and the 50 calorie entry for the other half. The store we work at sells these nice spinach Dijon salads with hard boiled eggs and almonds, and the whole salad has only 220 calories. I ate one of those salads for either lunch or dinner probably four times. We also got a few frozen meals from the brand “Smart Ones” for the motel room. My favorite Smart Ones meal is the angel hair marinara. Their fettuccini Alfredo isn’t great. 

So in that area I’m killing it. Also I’m also killing it with money and bills- this paycheck was nearly obligation free. I only had to pay my phone bill and decrease my student loan balance. My next check I have to make a car payment, but of course that check will be enormous. 

My anxiety levels are also down, even though I haven’t been taking much of the medication that I take for anxiety. This also has to do with being busy, although other factors also help, like my cats, my man, the fact that my daughter is almost 18, and the fact that there’s good money coming in. Hopefully after work today, I can do gym, laundry, Walmart!