Thursday, November 7, 2024

More Sickness

 I stayed home Tuesday, but yesterday (Wednesday), it would NOT have been good for me to stay home. We had to go to a large account with only four people. If I had stayed home sick, it would have been only three of them. The account was two hours away. It was closer to San Antonio, and I’m not sure why that crew didn’t do it!  But anyway, I worked 11 hours. On the way home, I had two spells where I didn’t think I could breathe. Then when the boss dropped me and kevin off at his car, I almost puked in his car on the way home. We are off today, but I’m going to get a Covid test at 8:00 am. 

My daughter went through some anxiety spells over the extreme fear mongering that many are doing as a result of Trump winning the election. She was worried that she would not ever be able to work, drive, go to college, among other things because she’s female. Now, I am not a Trump fan by any means, but the extreme fear tactics need to stop. Four years ago, he was just as much of a sore loser if not more. In fact, it seems like every four years this happens. The losing side always acts like democracy is over and we are all going to die. 32 years ago when I was a freshman at a private Christian school, we were all panicking because they were saying Bill Clinton was going to assassinate all of the Christians if he was elected. That didn’t happen. Now it’s just something else every four years. I think I did a good job of calming her down. She seemed in bright spirits this morning when I talked to her on the way to school. 

On a good note, the store we did inventory at yesterday near San Antonio played 90’s country songs the entire time we were there, and I heard some that I forgot about!  Remember the song No one else on earth by Wynnona Judd?  I loved that one. Also, Wild one by Faith Hill. “She’s a wild one with an angel’s face, she’s a woman child in the state of grace”. I remember dancing to that one at my prom!  I don’t remember who I was dancing with, though!  

1 comment:

  1. The fear mongering does need to stop. He was in office for 4 years already and we see what happened, not much new is going to happen this time. I don't like him but it is what it is.
