Sunday, December 1, 2024

Tree and Holidays

 Here is a two second clip of my cat Mitchell biting the Christmas tree. 

We put up the tree, and my daughter came for an early Thanksgiving. She absolutely loves her room at my house in Waller. 

After she left, though, I got really depressed.  My mom came for actual Thanksgiving, and it was just her and I with Kevin and his parents.  She makes fun of me in front of them, and I’m not allowed to say anything to defend myself.  Eventually, I took my maximum allowed dose of anxiety meds, went back to the guest house where Kevin and I live, and fell asleep.  She ruined the entire holiday spirit, and now the depression is a huge fog.  It might also have something to do with the fact that I had the flu for a month idk.


  1. Mitchell biting the tree is hilarious. I imagine his next move is to jump up on it, knock it down.

    1. Surprisingly, neither of our cats have tried to do that, even with presents for them underneath it.

  2. Cats can be such little stinkers around Christmas trees! Even my two 18 year old cats like to bat at the ornaments sometimes! I'm sorry your mom ruined Thanksgiving. I'm curious as to why you, as an adult woman, are not allowed to say anything?

    1. I guess not allowed are not the right words. It's just that I know my mom well enough to know that she'd react very angrily, and I don't want to do all of that in front of my inlaws

  3. I'm sorry your mom made you feel bad.

  4. I hope that one day you'll be able to set a barrier with your mother.

    1. The minute I do that, all hell breaks loose. But since I moved to the country, I have cut contact with her about 80% (I only talk to her about 20% as much as I used to). I believed for a while that it was causing her to get the hint. I guess not.
