Monday, December 16, 2024

Inventory Overload+ 1 Day Off

 Yesterday, my daughter told me something I didn’t know that was quite hilarious. She said she remembers when Prince George was born (the oldest son of Prince William). She was 6 years old at the time, and she and I watched media coverage of William and Kate leaving the hospital with him. Yesterday she told me that she was disappointed, because she thought they were going to hold him all the way up like Simba. 

I never knew she thought that was going to happen! 😂 

Yesterday, Sunday, was the only day off for a while and for the foreseeable future (besides Christmas I guess). We’ve been doing this chain of Mexican stores that’s very small and homey. I like those stores. Being in them puts me in the mood to make Mexican food, but doing the inventories makes me too tired to cook. They ended on Saturday, and I had my daughter on Sunday. Today started this chain of very large Mexican stores. The same items but in a big box format. Because they’re so big, the other crews have come to town to help us out. They don’t put me in the same mood as the small stores. It’s just all around exhausting. 

I’m also tired but can’t sleep. Kevin had to go with the boss to Nacogdoches Saturday night- it wasn’t the first time I’ve slept in this house alone, but it was the first time I kind of felt uncomfortable. I’ve had my own place many times. But I feel like now I’ve been with Kevin long enough to know how nice it is to not be alone. 


  1. That's so funny about what your daughter said. That would have been something to see for sure! I hear you about not being able to sleep good when your honey is gone. When my husband goes hunting in November it always feels like a different kind of silent, you know?

  2. That's funny. I don't mind being alone.
