Sunday, December 15, 2024

Something is Wrong with my Cat


Maybe my cat Alex is just getting old. He’s 11 and a half years old. But he’s been acting weird lately and yes he has a vet appointment set up this week. 

One early morning last week, he was laying on my hoodie on the dining room table as we were about to leave for work. I tugged at it to let him know to get up because i needed it. He always complies, but this day he hissed his butt off at me. He got off the hoodie and off the dining room table, and just stood there staring into space doing angry meow. Kevin and I scolded him verbally. I offered the hoodie back to him thinking I would just wear another sweater. But Alex looked at me like he was getting his thoughts together and then gave me a sweet little “apology meow.”  

Then a few days later in the evening, we were just sitting around when Alex and Mitchell got into the biggest screaming match ever. They haven’t hissed at each other since they were getting to know each other. This was all out cat screaming. Kevin and I had to shout over him to “break it up.”  Finally it stopped, Alex looked around with the same expression and gave Mitchell the apology meow. 

Neither of these things is even remotely like him. He’s always been the best boy. 

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