
Sunday, December 8, 2024

Overcoming Depression

 I think being sick with the flu for just about a month sunk me into a pretty moderate amount of depression. I’m feeling better today, and I was also feeling better last night. 

The thing about depression is that I will take depression any day over feeling anxiety or panic attacks. Next month, it will be 11 years since I started having panic attacks, and they are no fun. I do not like to say “they’re worse than pain” because I don’t want to be struck with any kind of pain that is worse than a panic attack. I will always say that panic attacks are worse than any physical pain that I’ve personally ever felt, including childbirth. 

I’m done with my Christmas shopping, so that’s good. Kevin and I are exchanging gifts as soon as they’re delivered. That way, there won’t be anything on actual Christmas but we don’t care. I offered my daughter her stocking for St. Nicholas Day and she refused. So she’ll probably refuse also on her namesday which is 12/9 and her “half birthday” which is 12/11. She always loved getting away with opening small things on those small significant days, but now she wants to wait for everything on actual Christmas. I can’t believe this Wednesday will only mark six months until she’s an 18 year old legal adult!  Hooray for no longer having a custody order anymore. 


  1. My daughter is 33 years old. It's weird when they are considered adults but you still think of them as a 'kid'. lol My daughter hates when a try to tell her what to do. lol Depression is hard, i've dealt with my share of it too. Hopefully you are feeling better.

    1. I'm divorced from her dad, and the milestone for me in her turning 18 is no more court order telling us when we can see each other and when she can see her dad. Whenever I tell her "what to do", which isn't often, she's pretty good about doing it. She's going to college next year, and I am very careful about teaching her how not to take out student loans. Ie, don't sign ANYTHING until I look at it, even if you read it. College is scary, it can really ruin your life- but I think she'll be ok. Yay for me no longer having to listen to the family courts or her millionaire know it all stepmother

  2. Having been diagnosed with clinical depression and also anxiety years ago I can totally agree that I would take the depression any day over the anxiety! I'm glad you are feeling better,


Wedding Gift OMG

First of all,  This  was posted this morning, and I fell back asleep to it.  I love it, and I wish it was longer. Secondly, I actually got a...