
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Day Off, Finally

 I’m tired!  

Today was not only payday but also my first day off in a while. I went to my mom’s house and hit up some garage sales along the way. I also went to two Walmarts. 

Kevin and I had a long talk about how I feel burned out. He said he’s very supportive if I want to get another job, and I know he is- but then I saw my check this morning and it was again very very good. I told Kevin, this is what would happen: 

I would end up caring for another elderly person in their home. I wouldn’t be making as much. Then in X amount of months, the person I take care of will pass away, because that’s what elderly people do. And then, either him and/or our boss will ask me if I can work the next day or something. 

I would just end up back again. So it’s fine. I’m just sick and exhausted. 

My mom asked me what I want for Christmas and I said time off. Before Kevin and I started dating, I got a motel room for four days and just worked on my writing the whole time. I told my mom, if I did that now, Kevin would think I’m leaving him. My mom said, then lock yourself in your daughter’s room when she’s not there. I said, it’s not the same- motel rooms are clean. Mom said then clean your house. She doesn’t get it. An audiobook I have on being a writer lists just checking into a motel somewhere for X amount of time is a valid “writing retreat.”  I could use one. I’d bring my sewing machine too. 


Friday, November 22, 2024


 I think I have burnout. 

We’ve been so busy at work, and I just have not gotten a chance to get over the flu. I feel like I’ve been sick for a month and only took one sick day. 

I’m really not sure I can look at one more convenient store back cooler interior. I’m glad that Thanksgiving week is coming up and we get “somewhat” of a break. I’m just so tired and worn out that I come home and crash and by the time I close my eyes, it’s time to go again the next day. 

Then I started having severe UTI symptoms. I called the clinic to see if I could come in to get checked out for a UTI. I got in at 3:45. When Kevin and I got home from work, he asked me if I wanted to drive myself to my appointment or did I want him to drive me?  I was exhausted, and he said he didn’t mind either way, so I let him drive me. He came and sat in the waiting room while I went to the exam room. The doctor was a doctor is never seen before. She was asking me a million questions, including questions about my mental health. Then- and this might come across as totally normal or totally weird depending on your experience. She asked if I “felt safe at home”. I asked for clarification and she said, “Are you being abused at home?” 

I have never ever been asked that by a doctor ever in my 46 years of life. So right away I said no, I’m not being abused, but the way she asked was so off putting. She kind of had not only an attitude while asking, but when she repeated herself, she kind of gave me duck lips. If someone was being abused, then how would they feel comfortable confiding in someone with a bad attitude and duck lips?  I asked her why she asked. She responded that everyone gets asked that all the time. I told her that I never do, but then started wondering in my head if she had seen Kevin out in the waiting room and just assumed he was abusive because he drove me?  I didn’t say it out loud of course, I kind of got the hint that I shouldn’t ask any questions because she was already assuming things. 

Later on, I described this situation in an anonymous thread online and got over 400 comments overnight saying that everyone always gets asked by doctors if they feel safe at home. Apparently it’s also a way to find human trafficking victims. I deleted the thread. I obviously got my answer, but with each one, I felt like well obviously no one has ever given a damn about me being abused or trafficked or not my entire life until now. I also think that if God forbid I was being trafficked, then I would have never felt comfortable confiding in that doctor about it. I decided that from now on I just shouldn’t let Kevin drive me anywhere. Except for the fact that we always carpool to work- it wouldn’t make sense if we live and work together and took different cars every day. 

I don’t know anymore I’m just exhausted and overworked. I’m tired and I just want to frickin go home and start my holiday week. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

More Sickness

 I stayed home Tuesday, but yesterday (Wednesday), it would NOT have been good for me to stay home. We had to go to a large account with only four people. If I had stayed home sick, it would have been only three of them. The account was two hours away. It was closer to San Antonio, and I’m not sure why that crew didn’t do it!  But anyway, I worked 11 hours. On the way home, I had two spells where I didn’t think I could breathe. Then when the boss dropped me and kevin off at his car, I almost puked in his car on the way home. We are off today, but I’m going to get a Covid test at 8:00 am. 

My daughter went through some anxiety spells over the extreme fear mongering that many are doing as a result of Trump winning the election. She was worried that she would not ever be able to work, drive, go to college, among other things because she’s female. Now, I am not a Trump fan by any means, but the extreme fear tactics need to stop. Four years ago, he was just as much of a sore loser if not more. In fact, it seems like every four years this happens. The losing side always acts like democracy is over and we are all going to die. 32 years ago when I was a freshman at a private Christian school, we were all panicking because they were saying Bill Clinton was going to assassinate all of the Christians if he was elected. That didn’t happen. Now it’s just something else every four years. I think I did a good job of calming her down. She seemed in bright spirits this morning when I talked to her on the way to school. 

On a good note, the store we did inventory at yesterday near San Antonio played 90’s country songs the entire time we were there, and I heard some that I forgot about!  Remember the song No one else on earth by Wynnona Judd?  I loved that one. Also, Wild one by Faith Hill. “She’s a wild one with an angel’s face, she’s a woman child in the state of grace”. I remember dancing to that one at my prom!  I don’t remember who I was dancing with, though!  

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Flu 🤧 🤒 🤒

I was putting off getting a flu shot. I’m not sure why. Every year, when I am at the pharmacy in September, I say “oh, by the way, can I get a flu shot?” 
Not sure what it was this time. I didn’t want to wait, plus didn’t feel like getting poked I guess. 
Well, now it’s caught up to me, and I’m sick as a dog. 
Kevin went to work, and I stayed home. I worked yesterday, and it was awful. I hoped I could sleep it off, but I woke up this morning just full on sick. I’m staying in bed. 

For funsies, here are some blocks I made for my next rainbow denim chenille quilt. This one will go into an Etsy shop. There are four squares of orange denim on the back of each. I guess I also should have photographed the back. All of the orange denim on the back was from 25 cent day at Family Thrift Outlet. The orange printed fabric on the front was from a very large flowing skirt, also obtained on 25 cent day. The orange solid is from the fabric department at Walmart. I ironed them after the photos were taken. 


Sunday, November 3, 2024


 The roommate of my in-laws has this cat named Buck. The cat who’s Eartip they overdid!  Well to make a long story short,

Buck is now our kitty. 

Their roommate, Buck’s previous human has a new girlfriend that has moved in and brought with her two dogs.  Buck was stressed out enough with my inlaws’ dog, who is huge. The two new ones basically just made him pack his bags and leave.

I told my mil about leaving cat litter out so he comes home- and kevin talked to his stepdad and the roommate about this.  They are moving out of my in-laws’ house soon and into their own house.  They weren’t going to bring Buck, even if it wasn’t for the two dogs.  

Our good boi number three is settling right into his new surroundings.  He is familiar with Mitchell and Alex though- we call them his frenemies. there was only one big hiss per cat, now they’re all brothers.

Wedding Gift OMG

First of all,  This  was posted this morning, and I fell back asleep to it.  I love it, and I wish it was longer. Secondly, I actually got a...