
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Songs Affiliated with Places

 I actually don’t know what my mom has against “Rocky” (Sylvester Stallone), but she will get pretty blunt when she doesn’t like a celebrity. I’m apathetic to Rocky, but if she hates someone I like, I tune it out, which results in tuning it out even when she’s ranting about someone I’m indifferent towards. It becomes habit. 

Today, I thought of all the times that I got certain songs stuck in my head only because I was in certain places. Probably three years ago now, I drove to Illinois to make a faster way to obtain a copy of my birth certificate. On the way home, I spent the day in Memphis doing the side jobs on the apps there. Don’t you know, I had Walking in Memphis stuck in my head the entire time I was there. One of the top comments in that video used to be, “I got robbed in Memphis.” With thousands of likes, but it seems to be gone. I didn’t get robbed in Memphis thank god’s, but I thought it seemed like a police state with so many cops everywhere. And real cops too!  Not security guards! 

He Used to Meet Me on the East Side gets stuck in my head whenever I’m on the east side of Houston. Every town has an east side. So this would probably be the case no matter where I lived. 

One time someone mentioned that they were from Cuba, and all day long, My Heart is in Havana got stuck in my head. 

And today, as I did inventory in convenient stores in very bad parts of town. I had Elvis In The Ghetto stuck in my head. Several people came in that seemed to be on drugs. The bathrooms said “out of order” and when I told Kevin that I had to go pretty bad and might go across the street, he was like “They aren’t out of order, they just don’t want crackheads in there. Just ask the manager for the key, he’ll give it to you.”  Oh! Ok!  The bathroom worked for me! 

I also want to mention how the top comment in all of those music videos I linked to is “Who’s here in 2025?”  Makes one feel old!  

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Songs Affiliated with Places

 I actually don’t know what my mom has against “Rocky” (Sylvester Stallone), but she will get pretty blunt when she doesn’t like a celebrity...