Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Floor Installation- It’s a No-Go

Kevin decided today that he doesn’t have what it takes to install hardwood laminate flooring. We are going to either hire someone or wait on the guy that owes his stepfather. I personally didn’t see what the problem was, but he claimed that whenever he hammered one, another one popped out from another end. I did see it somewhat, but I don’t really understand how bad it would be over all if he kept going?  I was actually hoping he would quit this sooner than he did. I can tell that Kevin really wants it done asap- he wants this looking like “a real house”. As for me, as long as it’s done in 8 months when my daughter turns 18 so she can have her own room here. Two things I suggested to Kevin were 1. Asking the guy that owes his stepfather if he knows someone we can hire that’s not as busy as he is. And/or 2.  Just offer that guy money without his stepfather knowing about it. That would entice him, right?  

The job Kevin and I both work- the inventory service- goes in busy and dead spurts. We just finished a five day dead spurt, which is why we had time to do all this. Tomorrow and Friday, it’s back to work, and I’m kind of glad. Kevin’s car battery also needed replacing, and we ended up going to a shop his stepfather doesn’t really like. So Kevin was in a grumpy mood overall. I’m just glad we got his car back, the flooring is put back in the spare room/my daughter’s room, and it’s back to work tomorrow. I had to be here for Kevin, I couldn’t really go do side jobs in the apps. (I did some, though!) 

I also got a little spacey and light headed. I think I had a low blood sugar episode. I was told maybe a year ago that I was pre diabetic. They told me to change my diet, but I really didn’t. Then a few months later, they gave me metformin to prevent diabetes. And THEN I changed my diet and started going for long walks. I’ve lost 17 pounds, then had the plateau from hell. I feel a lot better with the healthy choices, but the scale isn’t moving after that initial 17. I think starting the drug and changing my diet and lifestyle at the same time causes some periodic low blood sugar episodes. When it happens, I kind of feel like I’m on another planet. I ate grapes and drank Dr Pepper and felt a ton better. I just hope the rest of this week is better. 


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Floor Installation- It’s a No-Go

Kevin decided today that he doesn’t have what it takes to install hardwood laminate flooring. We are going to either hire someone or wait on...